Taskbarx website
Taskbarx website

It allows you to perfectly center your icons in the middle of the taskbar for all of your open apps. It’s affordable and pretty powerful for what it is.

taskbarx website

The app you’d be looking for is called “ TaskbarX” and it’s actually been kicking around since 2019. You can do some manual adjusting of the taskbar by hand to get icons to move around a bit, but nothing is as customizable and on-the-point as this. This process is actually quite simple, although it does require a minor purchase in the Microsoft Store (a simple $1.49 app). So for them, we will quickly show you how you can accomplish something similar in Windows 10 while you wait for the new OS to come out later this year or early 2022. However, some users have taken to the internet to express how they like the macOS-like approach to icons being centered on the screen. It’s a minimal change to the UI but it is another “something” that Microsoft hasn’t messed with in the past, and as usual, they look for whatever they can as an excuse to keep the updates rolling (“oh look, we moved the icons around!”). One of the many changes the company has made to the UI was centering the taskbar icons into the middle of the taskbar.

  • Compatibility with taskbar mods outside of TranslucentTB is not currently guaranteed.Microsoft announced the next generation of the Windows operating system (officially, Windows 11) this Thursday, showing off what the new operating system was going to look like, as well as some of the new enhancements that can be expected.
  • This can usually be fixed by moving a window to or from that monitor, or briefly changing the taskbar alignment.
  • When using dynamic mode, the taskbar may occasionally become too large, too small or not update.
  • taskbarx website

  • Split mode on Windows 10 only supports the main taskbar, secondary taskbars will not be split.
  • Dynamic mode/split mode only work correctly when the taskbar is horizontal at the top/bottom of the screen.
  • Rounded corners are not antialiased (smooth) due to a Windows limitation.
  • Autohiding is not supported and may lead to a lot of flickering, especially with TranslucentTB compatibility or dynamic/split mode enabled.
  • If this happens, just set the taskbar to left-aligned then back to the centre once and it should be fixed.
  • When initially enabling dynamic mode with centred taskbar icons, the taskbar may stretch to the left.
  • Automatic detection for when the taskbar "overflows" in dynamic mode, and switching back to basic mode as a result.
  • The option to have the tray show only when you're hovering over it.
  • The ability to summon the app's settings pane by re-opening it from Start.
  • The option to have the taskbar "fill" when a window is maximised (or when alt+tab or the Task Switcher is invoked if you're on Windows 11).

  • Taskbarx website